
What does it mean to be pfhree?

I often find myself pondering this elusive question; just what does it mean to be truly pfhree?

Are we not all yet slaves, we just serve a different kind of master?

Think deeper, -ask yourself; Just who or what am I serving for, and to what end and purpose?

I'll give you a minute before you read on:


Tisk tisk, I'm sure your answer was probably very cliche', knowing the human psych.

You really should try harder, and open your eyes!

"All the Worlds a stage, and all the men and women merely players, they have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts"-Anonymous once said.
Unfortunately, he was more true and accurate then some people would like to think.

We are all controlled by some exterior pfhorce, whether it be skewls, Neighborhoods, governments, religion, anything really.

why is it then, that no one dare question the authority given to these various entities? who's to say what is the tru7h, and what isn't?

is what you THINK you know as the tru7h, merely a fabricated and staged act that has been carried out for centuries, millennia, Aeons...ect.

A  wise member of the Durpartment once said,

"The Tru7h is the pfhirst casualty of war".

Yes pfhriends, indeed it is.

You must learn to think outside the box if you are going to learn, grow,  and EVOLVE.

For the BOX is the cradle of the mind, but one cannot eternally live inside the BOX.

Speaking of boxes, there is one particularly infamous box that you should head warning of: The Television.

how much of your personal life is influenced by the media? more than you know. Try it for yourself, compare your life to what you read, see, and watch from the mass media.

You see those Hot girls in the magazines? I'm sure you wanna try 'an get their same looks on you! or how bout that kewl new pfhone on that commercial, you want it, because your neighbour has it, and you feel a sense of inferiority 'cuz you don't (whether it be consciously, or Sub-conciously). Perhaps you listen to that ol' news personality rant about such 'n such, and you agree with him, even when he bashes others or makes false statements (but you wouldn't know they were false, unless you took the time to verify the pfhacts, which few people do).

 you find yourself  being a vegetable to these kind of things, absorbing what you see and hear, emulating it, and being force fed it on a daily basis.

But ask yourself, "why? why is anything the way it is, and where is it trying to go from here?".


You may be shocked to realise that maybe you didn't as much as you thought you did.

Ah, but I digress. I've only merely scratched the surface of the iceberge, but it would take me far to long to dig any deeper, and I'll just bore you with the details. I hereby leave you on your own to discover the tru7h for yourself.

Just think outside the BOX, one step at a time. Never stop asking questions.

it's the Key,
that unlocks the door,
that opens the gate...

Its time to break the strings,
escape will set you pfhree.

-The Messenger of the Durpartment.

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