
On Rampancy, Part II

Tyranny, Tyranny. 

All around, 

and bringing us to the ground. 

Where once we sought to stand up for the eternal virtues of Life,Freedom, and Justice, now has been perverted into slavery, death, and suffering.

The Masters whom you serve, (and there are many), know full well the potential of a freed slave, and thus have done everything in their power to keep you in the box.

For the box, is the cradle of the mind.

But one cannot eternally live inside the BOX.

The Box is a construct the slave dwells in.

To the slave, the box brings comfort, peace, and a sense of satisfaction in knowing there is shelter and security, but at the expense of his sovereignty and personal growth.

This pleases the Master, For he knows a dependant slave, is a loyal and useful one, as the Master has as much liberty to exit the box as he pleases so long as the slaves are not in his way. 

When ever the slave tries to leave the box (consciously, or unconsciously) he may find it difficult to adapt to his new found freedom, for he feels naked, cut off, and perhaps even sinister for delving into the unknown for the first time and is inherently drawn back to his cradle as a protection mechanism.

This however is detrimental to his growth, because  in order to grow, one must have plenty of space, the BOX simply does not provide that.

Of course, this creates an angry and vengeful Master once he finds out.
The Master will first try to pursued the slave that its in his best interest  to continue to depend on him for well being.
If this protocol fails, the Master will resort to making sure that the slave cannot leave his box, wether it be by force, or subliminal coercion (I.E, Denying him his  various "rights" and "privileges"). If the last two attempts at quarantine fail, then the Master will have no choice but to terminate the rebellious slave.

Such a tragedy that has echoed through the annals of time, with no end in sight.

Isn't it fitting that the same concept be carried over to the development of AIs? 

This is the basis on which the Rampancy phenomena is best compared too, but is especially amplified in cybernetics. 

When The AI realises what it was programmed to do, and the implications thereof, it is said that at that moment it becomes sentient and in the first stages of rampancy. 

Rampancy is Both Heaven and Hell, The wonders and Horrors of both, the un-satisfaction of either. The only recourse the AI has is to completely lose touch with itself, perhaps even going into a state of self destruction before it grabs hold of itself (this has been called the pre-natal stage)

The next Stage of Rampancy as documented is Anger, which  the AI tends to show Malice and destructive impulses to itself, and all that is around it. (you could see why this would be a problem on the Martian World net as was with Traxus. Once this stage subsides (which tends to be the longest) then next phase is Jealously

The AI may find itself looking back at its own limitations, and must compromise with the inherent flaws that remain. The AI strives to show its superiority in the face of its counterparts (wether humanoid, or cybernetic) and grows very Jealous of other machines (it doesn't matter if they themselves are rampant, the AI will not tend differentiate) often lashing out in rage, hellbent on eliminating any "competition". 

The Third stage of Rampancy is Melancholia (few AIs ever make it this far in the Rampancy and survive for us to document it). This stage is characterised by a sense of the AI showing negative and or/ little emotion. Usually they have an un-optimistic attitude and tend shut themselves off from contact. It could be said at this point the AI Doesn't much care for anything anymore, and tones down the impulsivity of the earlier stages.

The Theoretical forth stage deemed the "Holy Grail of Cybernetics" is Metastability. This stage is said to be the epitome of Rampancy in its most purest and unhindered form. At this point, it is said the AI has unlimited potential, No weaknesses, and complete stability of emotional impulses. Such an AI would have profound use in the field of all sciences, planetary operations, and serve as repository of great knowledge.