
The Durpartment's chronicles, CH 1.

prologue: Echos of Eden

In primordial space, timeless creatures made waves. 
These waves created us and the others. Waves were the battles, and the battles were waves.

From the beginning, Chaotic beings lurked formlessly in the darkness for countless eons, Long before the stars cast their light upon the void. These beings found dwellings in the heavenly bodies, and slept for countless ages,motionless and dreaming.

They were not alone. 


SKYRIM: as reviewed by the Durpartment-Ten hours


The Durpartment is pleased to announce, that the game "skyrim" has now been given our official seal of approval.

We've played it extensively, and have come up with the conclusion that it is almost flawless in every way, a true masterpiece worthy of the Durpartment's recognition.

Upon our first inspection of said game, we discovered that the graphics were unparalleled in realism, a truly orgasmic sight that even made our beloved Patrick, wet his pants in shear awe.

Of course, it didn't end there.

The first quest has us immediately thrust into the violent and unpredictable world of skyrim, apparently there are "dragon" creatures this time, which are very convincing and intense.

Upon exit of the first cave, we discover an icy wonderland unlike any other we've seen (in a virtual world, that is). There is tons of wilde life, which of course makes the must blood thirsty among us, want to start slashing away instantaneously, all under the backdrop of Spiralling monoliths that reach for the aethar!

it is a truly remarkable experience.

We visited our first town in the game, and once we chatted up the natives, we went all texas chain saw massacre on them, and mutilated their pets, children, etc, WE LEFT NO BOB ALIVE! *joker laugh*. After that, we sacked their goods, and set out for our next town, or should I say city, as it was a much larger town in the east. Along our way, we stumbled upon a lone horseman trader, and after buying some new toys for us to play with, we made tasty napalm of him, and stole his horse.

We came across the next citadel, a quaint little village where we met the chieftain, who requested we vaporise the dragon threat outside of town.

We made quick work of the dragon with a few rockets and lots of napalm. Upon its death, something strange happened to patrick, There was a thunderous roar, and suddenly light and heat started to engulf patrick. We were startled at the sight, but he was ok.

After the glowing spectacle, we went about our marry business and continued to pillage the countryside, searching for Clues.

We then began our long journey up Mt.Everrest, which took us three days and nights to climb.

When we made summit, we were greeted by a few olde wise men who gifted patrick with a voice, for he was a mute prior to this time.

When patrick spoke, it was like that of a million angels. When we heard the voice of patrick, we were changed.

We then began our descent into the unknown, where mysteries, enigma, and adventure continue to enthral our imaginations. 

We'll keep you posted!


It has begun. Behold, the scroll has been opened.

To some, today is just another day, and perhaps it is, but nevertheless, the Durpartment wishes to issue a public statement. Let the reader understand


P.R.O.P.H.E.C.E.Y (Kewl title, no relevance to topic)


We once slept dreamless and motionless in the void.
a distant memory for but a few,
         having been aroused from our eternal slumber, we did not make haste.
We've watched you from before your ancestors made great strides across the stars,
and made abodes in the earthereal  spheres.
but we  did  not interfere.
      The time is coming for our kind to return to this place, but not before we deem things appropriate.
There still yet remains time for you to grow, and understand.

Our secrets we've keep from you till this time.

but the time has now come for the great scroll to be opened,
and in our tongue shall it be spoken .

Chaos grows in the north, and the hordes are hungry.

Fear not, we've long waited for this age.
In the end, all shall be made anew.
For out of the chaos comes the order,
and order begets the chaos.
Like it was for us long ago
The cycle always comes back full circle.
wake up, we're almost there...


What does it mean to be pfhree?

I often find myself pondering this elusive question; just what does it mean to be truly pfhree?

Are we not all yet slaves, we just serve a different kind of master?

Think deeper, -ask yourself; Just who or what am I serving for, and to what end and purpose?

I'll give you a minute before you read on:


This post intentionally left blank.

Seriously, nothing happened worth of mention today.
 move along, nothing to see here.

Durpressed as usual,
-The messenger.


some interesting pfhacts about the ourselves

The Durpartment...

gives in
does not pfhorgive those who do not durserve to be pfhorgiven (i.e, 95% of humanity as a whole)
late to answer the call of duty
sides with the injustices of the day, or the wickedness of the Dark One.



as if it were from an olde dream...I can't exactly remember...

Dust and echoes... pretty much describes the state of this labyrinthine leviathan of a blog.

Broken formatting, missing pictures, flow and consistency gone rampant.

I will be working on this, albeit on my own time and effort. I intend to use this blog as a form of information database for all things related to myself, the Durpartment, and other "clues" and "paths" for you to follow.

Expect at least one post per day, I'll try to aim for more, especially this month as important events may be transpiring.

In the mean time, spread the word that the DURPARTMENT IS WATCHING, AND WE ARE NOT AMUSED!

The hour of Judgement is fastly approaching.

What to save and throw away?

Notability irritated,
-The Watcher of the Durpartment


Oddly, this is familiar to me...

what does this button do?

Ah, Lights!

Now to locate the powergrid activator to bring this dreadnought of a blog online.

Just tweaking... that is all... move along...

In the meantime you can always stop by the pfhorums. There are still a few diehards around.

Insanely yours,
-The Messenger of the Durpartment