
some interesting pfhacts about the ourselves

The Durpartment...

gives in
does not pfhorgive those who do not durserve to be pfhorgiven (i.e, 95% of humanity as a whole)
late to answer the call of duty
sides with the injustices of the day, or the wickedness of the Dark One.


Is watching you!
on time
never ceasing, relentless
does not take pity, and never stops until you are toast (with the Air gas® flame thrower that is)
leaves the bodies behind to show our handy work
durfends justice! and the weak
Upholds the sacred order
Protects the light, and keeps the oath.
makes great sacrifices when nesscessary for our fellow brethren

The Durpartment sometimes...

Likes to play THE GAME
takes baths
washes dishes
does laundry

Member's of the Durpartment are known for being unparalleled in wisdom and knowledge.

Our members can often be found lounging  about in the many libraries and bookstores of the local towns and cities,universities, ect, though, we are always in incognito.

In our spare time, We spend  many a great hours studying the arcane arts. wizardry, spell slinging, and magicka, to name a few. These traits help us utilise the powers we need to conquer our foes, however they are in no way required or demanded by the higher ranking officials, like i said, we do this in our SPARE TIME.

The Durpartment is known for our great poetry and literary works.

 you can find a few of our codexes inside the LEFT paw  of the sphinx, the pyramids of giza (inside the tomb), the lost city of Atlantis (its underwater at the moment) buried underneath stonehenge (but the local authorities forbid excavation), somewhere  in a secret pyramid deep in the jungles of the yucatan peninsula that is neither Aztec or Mayan in origin (good luck finding it, *joker laugh*), and many more! (not limited to this little planet, mind you ;=).

If you find yourself being followed by strange men/and or creatures in grey trench coats following you, rest assured this is probably us on a  typical friday the XIII of May.

Don't make us Kick your ass.

You have been warned.

-The messenger of the Durpartment

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